Започва ли Apple да изостава от битката за най-добър производител на мобилни устройства?

Започва ли Apple да изостава от битката за най-добър производител на мобилни устройства?
През настоящата година Apple предложи два нови модела на пазара, единият от които беше юбилеен с много подобрения. Въпреки това се наблюдава тенденцията Apple да губи своето влияние на пазара. За сметка на това нейните азиатски конкуренти не губят възможността да се възползват. С всеки изминал месец на пазара откриваме нови и нови предложения от китайските производители. Трябва ли да се страхува Apple от своите конкуренти?   Определено можем...
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Dr Atkins Diet (2018)

Dr Atkins New Revolutionary Diet Dr Robert Atkins started writing a book about 70 years ago in which he defended a thesis going against the popular belief about the low fat diet's health benefits swirling around at that time. The scientist's work was quite shocking to the whole medical world. Dr Atkins Diet was basically propelled by saturated fat and products low in carbohydrates. Indeed, his revolutionary beliefs brought about some pretty hars...
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Dr Atkins Diet

Dr Atkins Diet

Dr Robert Atkins started writing a book about 70 years ago in which he defended a thesis going against the popular belief about the low fat diet's health benefits swirling around at that time. The scientist's work was quite shocking to the whole medical world. Dr Atkins Diet was basically propelled by saturated fat and products low in carbohydrates. Indeed, his revolutionary beliefs brought about some pretty harsh criticism amid the whole medical society.

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Beans: content and recipes

Beans: content and recipes

It's clear that I will be talking about what I cook at home - it's high time I mentioned beans!

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Are you aware of the Dr. Hey's approach?

Are you aware of the Dr. Hey's approach?

A healthy eating approach focusing on cutting down on such substances which could do harm to our bodies. 

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