
Phytocosmetics (Plant Cosmetic Products)

Phytocosmetics (Plant Cosmetic Products)

Since ancient times people have used plants and herbs for beautifying and healing. Women gathered flowers and roots which they used to prepare various hair balms, skin ointments as well as herbal mixtures for healing wounds, face oils and other products.

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How to combine Bulgarian yogurt

How to combine Bulgarian yogurt

The typical Bulgarian yogurt is a high-alkaline and high-protein food. In order to follow the principles of separate nutrition, i.e, if you want to speed up the digestion and make it more effective, I do recommend you that you consume yogurt alone since it is quite hard to digest, plus its assimilation takes between 2-4 hours.

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13-weeks weight loss program (2018)

13-weeks weight loss program (2018)
What we are going to talk about now is an alternative method of putting off weight, namely “Pineapple Express”. The movie, bearing the very same name, is a masterpiece, an apogee, and a mix of classical and neoclassical elements, mayonnaise and chicken wings; there are to be seen such undiscovered truths as well, the revelation of which is dark and unsolvable mystery to both our fragile intellect and kidneys, like that considering the main subjec...
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Speed up your metabolism in 3 easy steps (2018)

Speed up your metabolism in 3 easy steps (2018)
What can I do to boost my metabolism? Yes, we know that you are asking yourself this question day and night. But wait! Here is the answer! Did you know that Jennifer Lopez drinks ice-cold water to speed up her metabolism? This may sound crazy to you but it actually works great! Drinking large amounts of water every day helps you burn calories which is what you are looking for, right? When your body does not have enough water your metabolism ...
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Бъдете перфектни на работното си място

Бъдете перфектни на работното си място
Перфекционизмът е интересно понятие, но определено не всеки един работник е отличник в сферата, в която работи. Ако не перфектни тогава бъдете щастливи на работното място. Ние не считаме щастието за моментно емоционално състояние като забавление или удоволствие или гордост и не мислим, че можете да достигнете до щастието, като наредите поток от положителни преживявания. По -скоро ние определяме щастието като всеобхватно качество на живот, богато ...
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