Every meal should be simple!

Every meal should be simple!

The less type of foods we consume during a meal, the better and easier the digestion process is. Each food, including the ones from the same group, is digested by a different set of ferments.

My personal advice is to have a salad or fruits or even a non-fat meal. Cut down on meat since it contains a whole lot of toxins. If you have difficulty doing it,  you can at least pair it with a green salad in proportions 1:3 (always serve the meat with a fresh salad - 300 gr.)

Examples of excellent combinations are salads or soups with non-fat meals, etc.

Some quite bad combinations of foods are, for example, bread with mayonnaise, Bulgarian Kashkaval cheese, fried bacon with a blueberry jam. I don't even advise the youngsters to eat them, although they have no digestive problems. Make yourself a favor - don't burden your body like that and you will live longer!


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