Do you know how to combine starch with other foods?

Do you know how to combine starch with other foods?

Starch, also known as farina, is contained in bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes (starchy veggies), legumes (beans, peas, rice, lentil) and others.



How not to combine starch

Starch should not be consumed with protein-rich foods (fish, eggs, yogurt, meat, cheese, walnuts, etc.) at the same time. Otherwise, there is a ferment (pepsin) that is to be produced and it functions in an acidic environment so as to digest the proteins.

On the other hand, the other ferment (amylase), responsible for the starch assimilation, can only function either in a low-acidic or neutral environment. Therefore, the starch cannot be fully digested, resulting in decaying which produces poisonous substances and gases in the stomach.

Bottom line: the human body cannot digest protein-rich or starch-loaded foods. In order to facilitate the digestive system, we need to follow the separate nutrition plan.

Do not consume:

  • Spaghetti with meat;
  • Pirozhki* (a Bulgarian homemade dough dessert) with meat;
  • Bread with meat;
  • Eggs with bread;
  • Meat with beans; 
  • Potatoes with meat;
  • Peas with meat; 
  • Lentil with meat; 
  • Cheese with bread; 
  • Bulgarian Kashkaval cheese with bread;
  • Banitsa* with yogurt/milk; 
  • Spaghetti covered in Bulgarian Kashkaval cheese;
  • Pasta with cheese; 
  • Desserts covered with nuts;

Proper combinations:

  • Meat with veggies;
  • Meat with pickled foods; 
  • Meat with non-sour sauces; 
  • Cooked meat with non-starchy veggies;
  • Roasted peppers with cheese; 
  • Salads with eggs; 

As you can see yourself, the healthy nutrition regimen can be delicious too!


Starch and fat don't combine well!


Enzymes (maltose and amylase) cannot function in a high-acidic environment which is created when combining starches and acids. Then the starch cannot be digested either in the mouth or in the stomach, so it starts fermenting and decaying. Its assimilation starts no sooner than it enters the duodenum, boosted by the pancreatic juice. It does not harass the pancreas that much, yet a part of the starch is not fully digested so the "leftovers" start fermenting in the intestines which results in gases.

Never consume starchy and acid-forming foods and beverages at the same time.

Improper combinations: 

  • Bread with tomatoes;
  • Banitsa* with yogurt;
  • Muffin with yogurt;
  • Potatoes with yogurt;
  • Potatoes with pickles;
  • Potatoes with mayonnaise;
  • Bread with raw sour cabbage;
  • Bread with pickled foods;
  • Spaghetti covered in homemade tomato sauce;
  • Peppers stuffed with rice; 
  • Pasta with carbonated drinks; 
  • Pasta with alcohol;
  • Pasta with fruit juices;

Sticking to this principle is of paramount importance to that group of people suffering from  digestive problems or diabetes.

Never eat starch and sugars at the same time!

When consuming sugars, the digestion is fast, but the moment there are combined with starch, fermentation kicks in the stomach. Many people eat various mushy foods with sugar which is why they suffer from increased acidity. Even the combination of sugary fruits and starch leads to fermenting which messes with the starch assimilating that enters the intestines without being completely broken down. This all explains gases and swollen intestines.

Improper combinations: 

  • Bread with butter and honey;
  • Bread with jam;
  • Pasta with sugar;
  • Mushy foods with sugar;
  • Desserts with sugar-based fillings;
  • Baklava*
  • Bread with sugary fruits;
  • Sweetened beverages with starchy foods;

Note that starches and sugars make a combination that is really hard to digest; and yet, if you cannot resist it, you can at least consume them alone but never mix them up with other foods because it will take a heavy toll on the digestive process.

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