
Pre-holiday detox diet

With the holidays just around the corner, you have to take your almost perfect healthy lifestyle to a whole new level in order to flaunt your slim bod in the best possible way, right? In this sense, there are no better diet plans that the detox ones. Regardless of their shortness, they are not only super effective when it comes to putting off weight, but also they will boost your metabolism. Don’t you want that at the end of the day? 

Some of you will probably cast some shade on such short but absolutely effective diet plans since they require a thought more efforts to be taken. Basically, the problem lies in the fact that the daily calorie intake is indeed cut in half which may turn out to be a huge stumbling-block to many of you who want to say goodbye to the increased weight. 

Highlights of detox diets

Detox diets come in different forms. Yet, the purspose of all of them is to provide your body with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, fiber and basically such nutrients that are absolutely of huge significance for your health. Oranges are packed with lots of vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium (5 %), fiber (3 %), potassium (about 7 %), iron (1 %), protein (1.2 g), carbohydrates (about 15.5 g), sugars (12.2 g), and almost no fat (0.2 g).

While being on such diet programmes, you should drink plenty of water. There is the so-called orange juice diet, which basically requires eating different fruits plus a lot of oranges on empty stomach, while another version of it requires drinking about a liter and a half of the healthy orange juice. A third way of keeping the detox diet is by including oranges in your healthy plan. Go with the one that seems more effective to you!

Drawbacks of citrus diet plans

There aren’t universal diet plans which always lead to the exact same positive results. Such detox diets are indeed effective but are not recommended to those of you who suffer from stomach disorders such as stomach acids. Moreover, it can cause a breakdown of muscles if the diet has gone too far. Bear that in mind before going on any diet!

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