Most of all the vital functions of our cells are accomplished in an alkaline environment, so we have to provide one for them, if we want them to function properly. What is important is that there has to be a balance between acids and alkalis in our bodies.
The so-called disease acidosis is a result of the excessive amount of sour products (more than 30 %), resulting in more waste products as well as speeding up the functionality of kidneys, liver and gallbladder. With that on hand, all these organs get exhausted which may lead to many health issues, such as rheumatism, diabetes, ulcer, gout and others. Also, keep in mind that such health problems tend to occur in acidic environment.
Foods, creating acids, have to make up 1/5th of the overall calorie intake. Such foods are the following: meat, fish, cereals, legumes, mushrooms and nuts as the proportion should always be 1:4 in favor of the alkaline foods. For example, if you feel like having a steak, go for a 100 gr of meat, combined with about 400 gr of vegetables. To put it differently, each acidic food should be combined with a fairly big amount of a fresh vegetable salad.
Examples of alkaline foods are: fruits, vegetables, potatoes, yogurt, honey, cellulose and raw skim milk. All of them are quite easy to digest, which facilitates the organs.
Bear in mind that the cooking process tends to improve the acidity in some foods, so you need to be more careful about that.
Also, sour products and foods forming acids are not synonyms. Meat, for example, is not sour at all, but is an acid-forming food.
High alkaline forming foods
- Raw veggies, fresh juices and broths;
- Mostly all types of fruits plus natural fruit juices;
- Dry fruits and the water of soaked dry foods before fermenting
- Water extracts of herbs;
Low alkaline forming foods
- Some cooked veggies (spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, nettle;
- Vegetable soups with a touch of grains or legumes;
- Raw fruits – apples, strawberries, bananas, cherries, date palm (dates), citrus fruits, raspberry, pumpkin and others;
Low acid forming foods
- Overripe fruits;
- Raw nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.
- Green beans;
- Barm;
- Soya, soya products/wheat;
- Whole-grain foods;
- Unrefined vegetable oils;
- Olives;
- Additives-free canned vegetables and fruits;
High acid forming foods
- Meat, fish, egg yolks, sausages, Bulgarian kashkaval cheese, oils, smoked and melted cheese;
- Plain lentil, rice, semolina, old beans and peas;
- Mushrooms;
- Pickled foods;
- Roasted nuts;
- Raw and roasted peanuts;
- Chemical additives in foods: aspirin, preservatives and colorings;
- Refined oils;
- All sugary products;
- Pasta made with yeast;
Foods creating a neutral environment
- plant and animal fat
- non-starchy food
- low-starchy food
- seeds
- mushrooms
- sprouts