Fats are digested in the stomach thanks to the ferment known as lipase, synthesized in the mucus by means of the hydrochloric acid.
The sequential assimilation of fats is done by ferments, produced by the bile and pancreas. Firstly, they are converted into fatty acids, then into glucose, being the most essential source of energy. Fats are the slowest to digest, which is why it is so important to combine them properly.
Green salads neutralize the effect of the fats as it also speeds up the digestion.
Proper combinations between fats and other foods:
- Fats and starch;
- Buttered toast;
- Fats and acids, such as fish with lemon, nuts with sour fruit and sour salad;
Improper combinations between fats and other foods:
- Different types of fats;
- Fats, starch, acids – one of the hardest to digest combinations;
- French fries in grease and sour juice;
- Fatty meat with bread, sauerkraut and fruit juice, beer, carbonated drinks;
- Fats, sugary desserts, starch;