
Let’s rock a “cheat“ day when dieting

Hey, dieters how about having a break and eat whatever you feel like?

This is not a delusion. Provided that you have never had a refeed day, you are probably wondering right now what exactly cheat days are.

“A cheat day“ in the midst of my long-term diet? No way!

Having only one “cheat“ day once a week is of utmost importance to all of us who train like beasts in the gym. Is it actually necessary or should I leave this part out?

According to many dietitians, having a refeed day is not what you may need in the long run. Once you have started a particular diet, you are supposed to stick to it no matter how hungry or exhausted you might feel post workout. A refeed day per week is considered bad and ineffective just because most of the people think of it as a day of binge eating. This holds true to a certain extent, though.

What is of great significance to do on your cheat day is to be smart when choosing various healthy and unhealthy meals. You can either choose a dessert between meals but stick to your diet regimen as a whole and get yourself closer to your goals or eat whatever you want on that particular day but expect visible results at a little bit later point in the future. The choice is yours!

When you finally get to define when you will have that „cheat day“, you will have to decide which way you are most likely to go with as well so as to feel full of energy without failing your diet.

Why refeed days are what you are looking for

Cheat days seem to be the perfect option for people who spend a great part of their time in the gym. What makes them even better is that you can actually eat unhealthy meals once a week. Otherwise, imagine what your life would be like if you couldn’t have something sweet on your plate even once a week, like ever. It will surely be a disaster, won’t it?

As for your diet regimen, you are likely to fail simply because of the fact that the metabolism slows down while dieting which results in fatigue since you have eaten less and overworked-out. Supposing you have a sweet tooth, cheat days seem to be the perfect way to take the edge off of your hunger for sweets even by doing it once a week.

 As a result of this healthy diet plan, you will sport a great body without having to put only carbs-free meals on your plate.