
Vintage Style in Dressing

Nowadays there is a huge diversity of Bulgarian online shops for women’s clothes, the purchase of which is always affordable, easy and safe. With the very coming of the next fashion season, imprint colors, patchwork elements as well as fluffy motives are a must so as to keep up with the next-to-come fashion trend. Miumiu is another outstanding fashion house, which has been launched by chance according to Miuccia Prada. The not-so-serious and playful fashion trends are what the adolescents like, playing a basic role and a complement at the same time in the collection of the gigantic fashion brand “Prada”.

In his collection, EmanuelHungaro demonstrates a richness of dynamic slits, inlays made out of shiny ornamental crystals as well as a modern combination of fashion trends and “old “ ones, which lie at the bottom of fashion ateliers, in terms of creating stage costumes for some of the top names in the music industry, globally speaking.

Back in the 80s, the vintage style was put on pedestal. Now it is a choice, laying emphasis on the femininity, represented by swanky retro elements with heart shapes.

Another catch-the-eye trend coming this fashion season is the accessories shaped like cats’ ears. A typical example of it is the headphones by Louis Vuitton, reminding of the 80s. A patchwork technology is used in the making process of his shoes and bags collection. Still, could there be anyone representing the image of minimalism and luxury better than him?

WenqingYan and Victoria Hu, being musical enthusiasts, have made together the cutest headphones, designed as a cats’ ears, which are able to turn every lady into a real catwoman!

No matter their glimmering effects and the fact that they are only a prototype, the headphones are on the right track to becoming a mass-production.

AxentWear has already gotten more than the Indiegogo’s $300k, out-topping their initial goal of reaching $250k.

Innovative, inspired by the most popular cartoon or also known as anime movies in the whole world, the headphones come in comfy design, with absolutely functional external speakers, LED lighting, removable cable, rechargeable batteries and earmuffs as well. The ones by Indiegogo are in restricted quantity; the price of each with the discount is $150.