Everyone has at some point of their lives stress moments which may often result in increasing or decreasing the hearth rate. Feeling under the weather can actually cause you such inconveniences. Sometimes it is really difficult to reduce the stress and not all the standard tricks like inhalation and exhalation always work. Instead, there are some very helpful and easy tips to apply:
- Do reguraly breathing exercises – they can actually help you a lot to fight the stress and stabilize the heart rate;
- Start massaging slightly the most intense part of your body. Do it within 5-10 minutes as you are lying on the floor. Make sure that there is nobody around you so as to focus your attention on the exercise. Control your breathing, inhale as if you are working out at the gym
- If the reason for your uneasiness is someone, a friend of yours, etc, then make sure you stop communication with them for some time. Go some place you have always wanted to. Do it with a positive attitude towards this spontaneous vacation, don’t be like you are going there as if forced to.
- Drink more tea. Basil tea. It is surely a very soothing herbal tea. It is affordable, one can find it almost every store. You will make sure that there is nothing better than the natural products for dealing with stress.
- It is scientifically proven that when we write down our problems they are not remembered by the brain. It is so because of the fact that the unwritten information cannot be remembered for a long time. All you need to do is buy yourself a notebook in which you should write down everything that makes you feel down. You will make sure that in the morning your problems will be less important to you. That way you will finally get to sleep without having to think about any problems as a whole.
- Eat more foods rich in magnesium like sunflower seeds. They will provide your body with enough energy. Magnesium is an element that is involved in the process of transmitting of nerve impulses. It would be enough if you consume about 200 milligrams of magnesium a day.
- Do something for yourself, watch a comedy or an interesting talk show that will make you laugh and feel good. Everybody has, of course, their own taste when it comes to movies, genres, talk shows and so on and so forth. You can even download an interesting serial such as ‘Two and a half men’, ‘Married with children’, ‘Everybody loves Raymond’, ‘Friends’ and so on which I highly recommend you watch.
- Have a place at your house when you can release the pressure you have gained at work for example. Decorate this place with things that will make you feel comfy like fluffy pillows, you can use some room sprays so as to set the mood just for yourself.
- Control you anger. According to a recent convey drummers don’t feel uneasy or angry just because they get rid of the negative energy through playing the drumms. Do the same thing.
- Try not to pay attention to people who have a negative energy and are always trying to annoy you. Don’t get yourself provocated by such people.
- Try communication more often with positive people