
Fiber and glycemic load of foods

Fiber is anything but valueless – it does good to you when dieting, lowers both the cholesterol and the blood sugar, and decreases the risk of cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and many inflammations. Also, it absorbs sugars and fats while slowing down the food digestion.


Where to find it?

In fruits, vegetables, whole wheat foods, oat bran and legumes. Acacia gum, lignin, pectin (contained in apples) and cellulose are also included in the same list as there is to be found no fiber either in the dairy, or in the animal foods.

Low-fat foods are rich in fiber and vice versa.


  • Quenches the appetite;
  • Helps for constipation; 
  • Lowers the „bad“ cholesterol taking a toll on the absorption of some fat;
  • Promotes the toxin removal;
  • Declines the risk of colon cancer; 
  • Slows down the carbs digestion;
  • Keeps the insulin levels, reducing the glycemic index;
  • Maintains the weight;
  • Boosts the pancreas, decreasing the insulin production; 

Types of fiber 

  • Soluble fiber – food is being surrounded by a gel-like layer the moment this type of fiber enters the stomach; the gel slows down the absorption of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides into the blood; half of the fiber in oat bran is soluble;  
  • Insoluble fiber- it is to be found in whole wheat flour, raw green plants, etc. It boosts the toxin removal from the body while speeding up the functions of the large intestine;

How much fiber do you need?

When dieting, you will need more fiber. Drink much water so as to avoid any blockage of the digestive system.

Elders should consume between 12-16 gr per 1,000 kcal. As for children, the exact amount is to be calculated the following way: age+5 (for example, a 4-aged kid should consume 9 gr of fiber per day)

High-fiber foods:

  • Whole wheat foods – whole wheat flour and cereals (insoluble fiber);
  • Oatmeal – full of soluble fiber. Savor with honey, brown sugar, cocoa, nuts or cinnamon; 
  • Brown rice; 
  • Cucumbers; 
  • Carrots; 
  • Celery; 
  • Tomatoes (great source of vitamin C);
  • Dried fruits (delicious and healthy);
  • Lettuce; 
  • Forest fruits (raspberry, strawberries, blueberries (rich in many vitamins); 
  • Fresh apples, pears, kiwi, mango and prunes; 
  • Zucchini – roasted and flavored with olive oli, garlic, dill and parsley (a healthy and delicious combination); 
  • Legumes – slowly digested but they lower the glycemic index; 

Be careful for a decifiency in iron, calcium, zinc and b-group vitamins 

Vegetarians and all of us consuming foods of a plant origin need to be more careful for their intake of micro elements and vitamins. Don’t cut down on them – your menu has to be balanced!


  • Fiber is contained in natural, organic foods; 
  • Helps for weight loss; 
  • Lowers the cholesterol and sugar blood; 

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