
Beans: content and recipes

It’s clear that I will be talking about what I cook at home – it’s high time I mentioned beans!


You all know how it looks like since you have eaten it in such a variety of meals, but are you aware of its content?

Much like meat, fish or eggs, beans is a protein-rich food and a source of minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, and B-group vitamins with the exception of vitamin C. Mixed up with a fresh vegetable salad, it makes quite a good combination!

Yet beans is a hard to digest food. Why? It is high in cellulose and fat unlike lentils or peas, but is digested quite easily as a garnish.

Stomach gases? What for?

The outer shell of beans cannot be assimilated by the intestinal bacteria, which leads to fermentation resulting in gases; and you will get to know about this feeling post-meal, especially if being stuck in an elevator and you are not really on your own in there. Well, what a memory…

What else is there to be found in beans?

Purines – people suffering from gout should avoid legumes. The same applies to the ones having higher levels of uric acid in the blood. 

Full content of 100 gr beans:

  • Protein: 23,3 gr
  • Fat: 1,5 gr
  • Carbs: 55,5 gr
  • Cellulose: 4,7 gr
  • Water: 11,2 ml
  • Calories: 337,0
  • Vitamin C: 3,0 mg
  • Vitamin B1: 0,54 mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0,18 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0,14 mg
  • Vitamin PP: 2,10 mg
  • Vitamin K: 0,29 mg
  • Carotene: 0,02 mg
  • Sodium: 2,0 mg
  • Calcium: 218,4 mg
  • Potassium: 1160,0 mg
  • Magnesium: 183, 0 mg
  • Iron: 8,8 mg
  • Phosphorus: 473, 0 mg

In order to avoid stomach gases or minimize their effect, you should remove the outer shell of beans. Cut down on the consumption of beans meals (which has to be in small proportions anyway) up to twice a week so as to avoid any overloading of the metabolism. 

In case you have digestive problems, reduce the consumption of beans and green beans. Same applies to people having liver, pancreas and gall issues, or suffering from chronic arthritis and osteoarthritis, chronic eczema and psoriasis. 

For the rest of us, having a healthy body and leading an active lifestyle, there should not be a room for any worries whatsoever!

I say why not try these beans meals minus the meat:

  • Salad made from: 40 gr of beans, 50 gr of carrots, 80 gr of onion, 3-4 olives, sunflower oil, vinegar, salt;

  • Salad made from: beans, sauerkraut; 
  • Salad made from: beans and cauliflower; 
  • Beans soup: 30 gr of beans, 20 gr of onion/carrots/chervil, red pepper, salt, mint, 1/2 tsp of tomato puree, 1/2 tsp of flour; 
  • „Manastirska“ beans soup: 30 gr of beans, 10 gr of carrots/ chervil, 40 gr of onion, 30 gr of tomatoes, 15 ml of sunflower oil, 30 gr of green peppers, mint, salt;
  • „Melnicharska“ beans soup: 40 gr of beans, 30 gr of onion, 20 gr of carrots/chervil, 1/2 tsp of tomato puree, 1/2 tsp of red pepper, 100 gr of sauerkraut, salt, mint;
  • Beans cream soup: 40 gr of beans, 1/2 tbsp of flour, 15 ml of olive oil, 30 gr of onion, 20 gr of carrots/chervil, half a loaf of bread, mint, salt, butter;
  • Beans stew: 80 gr of beans, 20 ml of olive oil, 20 gr of carrots and chervil, 1/2 tsp of flour, 40 gr of onion, 1/4 tsp of tomato puree, 1/2 tsp of red pepper, mint, salt;
  • Oven-baked beans: 80 gr of beans, 20 gr of carrots and chervil, 60 gr of onion,20 ml of olive oil, 60 gr of tomatoes, salt, red pepper, mint or parsley;
  • Beans with sauerkraut: 80 gr of beans, 150 gr of sauerkraut, 20 ml of olive oil, 20 gr of onion, red pepper, black pepper, salt;
  • Beans and spinach stew: 80 gr of beans, 150 of spinach, 20 ml of olive oil, 20 gr of onion, 1/2 tsp of flour, red pepper, black pepper, salt;
  • Baked beans&spinach: 60 gr of beans, 20 ml of olive oil, not a full tsp of flour, 1/2 tsp of tomato puree, 20 gr of onion and carrots, 12 gr of chervil, 120 gr of spinach, mint and salt;
  • Shepherd’s beans: 60 gr of beans and onion, a sprig of savory, 1/2 tsp of tomato puree or 50 gr of tomatoes, 20 ml of olive oil, salt;
  • „Plakiya“ beans: 80 gr of beans, 20 ml of olive oil, 10 gr of carrots and chervil, 30 gr of onion, 40 gr of tomatoes, 5 gr of garlic (2-3 cloves of garlic), a slice of lemon, parsley, salt, a piece of bay leaf, granulated black pepper; 
  • Peppers stuffed with beans: 3 dried red peppers, 30 gr of onion, 40 gr of beans, 20 ml of olive oil, sauerkraut, a pinch of red peppers, savory, parsley, salt;
  • Bean Moussaka: 40 gr of beans, 60 gr of onion, 50 gr of carrots, 20 ml of olive oil, black pepper, salt;
  • Bean Moussaka with leek: 40 gr of beans, 20 ml of olive oil, 50 gr of leek, a pinch of red pepper, salt;
  • „Sarmi“ with beans: 60 gr of beans, 150 gr of leaves of sauerkraut, 20 gr of rice, 30 gr of onion, 20 ml of sunflower oil, red pepper, parsley, salt; 
  • Pureed beans: 50 gr of beans, 70 ml of fresh milk, 50 gr of butter, not a full tbsp of flour, salt;
  • Pureed beans croquettes: 50 gr of beans, 20 gr of cheese or Kashkaval cheese, 1 tbsp of flour, 1/2 tbsp of bread crumbs, half an egg, 20 gr of butter, parsley, black pepper, salt;

Thanks for your attention! See you soon! 🙂